Concert Viewing Headphones

We designed concert scope headphones that are equipped with a projector, an inclination sensor on the top of the headphones, and a distance sensor on the outside right headphone. We previously developed sound scope headphones that enable users to change the sound mixing depending on their head direction. However, the system could not handle images. In contrast, our headphones let the user listening to and watching a music scene scope on a particular part that he or she wants to hear and see. For example, when listening to jazz, one might want to more clearly hear and see the guitar or sax being played. The user can hear the guitar or sax sound from a frontal position by moving their head to the left or right. The user can adjust the distance sensor on the headphones and focus on a particular part they want to hear and see by simply putting their hand behind their ear.


▲Youtube ( Download MP4 file  Here)

▲Concert Viewing Headphones

▲System overall view 




  • 浜中雅俊, 李昇姫: “コンサートスコープヘッドフォン”, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, Vol.18, No.3, pp.227-236, 2013. [PDF]
  • Masatoshi Hamanaka, Seunghee Lee: Concert Scope Headphones, International Computer Music Conference 2013(ICMC2013), August 2013. [PDF]
  • Kazuya Atsuta, Masatoshi Hamanaka SeungHee Lee: Concert Viewing Headphones, International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Vol. 2011, Article No. 10, 2011. [PDF]
  • 宮下佐和子, 厚田和也, 宇佐美敦志, 浜中雅俊, 李昇姫: CONCERT VIEWING HEADPHONES: 音と映像によるコンサート鑑賞インタフェース, インタラクション2011, pp 3INH-5, 2011. [PDF]
  • Sawako Miyashita, Masatoshi Hamanaka, Seunghee Lee: CONCERT VIEWING HEADPHONES ,Internaional Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology(ACE2010), pp. 108-109, November 2010. [PDF]