Composing music with Twitter

We built “Twitracker” that can post a monophonic melody on Twitter and can create a song by placing posted melodies as materials on Twitter. A shared unfinished song is put into the compositional process by allowing modifying. Most previous composing… (READ MORE)


BandNaviVer. 1.1Language: Japanese, EnglishNewForestar Co,.Ltd A band-member-backtracking application called BandNavi has been developed that enables a user to discover new songs and bands by tracing musicians who have played in different bands.Previous similarity-based song recommendation systems only retrieve similar songs,… (READ MORE)

Discussion structure editor based on music theory

The discussion structure editor generates time-span trees expressing degree of importance of statements. 会議記録の自動要約には、会議の流れや重要発言の認識といった、会議記録の分析が必要です. 本研究では、音楽の分析手法であるGTTMを応用して、会議記録の分析方法の構築を行っています. 音楽においては音イベントが、会議においては発言が時間の進行とともに発生し、ゲシュタルトを生成する相似点に着目しています。 References [PDF] Hiroya Miura, Kenta Togashi, Masatoshi Hamanaka, Katashi Nagao, Satoshi Tojo, Keiji Hirata: “音楽理論を応用したディスカッションマイニングにおけるタイムスパン木と延長木の自動生成について”, IPSJ SIG Digital Contents Creation, Vol. 2013-DCC-3, No.10, January 2013…. (READ MORE)

Polyphonic Music Time-Span Tree Analyzer

We have been developing a music analysis system called a polyphonic music time-span tree analyzer (PTTA). A time-span tree assigns a hierarchy of ‘structural importance’ to the notes of a piece of music on the basis of the Generative Theory… (READ MORE)

Melody expectation method based on GTTM and TPS

A method that predicts the next notes is described for assisting musical novices to play improvisations. Melody prediction is one of the most difficult problems in musical information retrieval because composers and players may or may not create melodies that… (READ MORE)

Melody morphing method based on GTTM

ShakeGuitar (Free), based on the morphing method, is available on App Store (Released on September 26, 2009) This paper describes a melody morphing method that generates an intermediate melody between a melody and another melody with a systematic order according… (READ MORE)

σGTTM System

σGTTM combines the generative theory of tonal music (GTTM) and statistical learning. We previously devised exGTTM, which has accommodated the original GTTM to computer implementations. The exGTTM has adjustable parameters, these parameters have to be manually configured. Therefore, it is… (READ MORE)

Paper list

Journal publications [LINK] [GTTM] Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, Satoshi Tojo: “Implementation of Melodic Morphing based on Generative Theory of Tonal Music”, Journal of New Music Research (JNMR), Vol.51, No.1, pp.86-102, February 2023. [LINK] Takayuki Nakatsuka, Yukitaka Tsuchiya, Masatoshi Hamanaka, Shigeo Morishima: “Audio-Oriented Video… (READ MORE)

Interactive GTTM Analyzer

This paper describes an automatic grouping system, which segments the music into units such as phrases or motives, based on the Generative Theory of Tonal Music (GTTM in short, hereafter). The GTTM is considered to be one of the most… (READ MORE)

An Automatic Grouping of Polyphony

This paper presents a method of grouping that provides a way to automatically analyze the grouping structure of polyphony. Sets of grouping rules have been applied in previous methods, but these methods were not capable of resolving contradictions among the… (READ MORE)

Learning-based Quantization

This paper describes a method for organizing onset times of musical notes performed along a jam-session accompaniment into the normalized (quantized) positions in a score. The purpose of this study is to align onset times of a session recording to… (READ MORE)

Wearable device for children’s safety

この研究では児童に装着したウェアラブルデバイスから生体情報・行動情報を取得し、潜在的な危険状態を検出するシステムを構築しています。 本システムは、潜在的な危険状態に遭遇したときの画像が記録できるだけでなく、事後に日中の出来事を確認することで親子の情報共有ができるという特長があります。 就学前児童の場合には、ことばで出来事を伝えることは困難であるが、本ツールを用いれば日中の状況を確認することが可能となります。 プロジェクトのホームページへ 紹介映像 MP4 Download ▼Youtube ジャーナル論文 [PDF] [親子情報共有システム] 木村峻介, 松本卓人, 矢澤櫻子, 星野准一, 李昇姫, 浜中雅俊: “屋内位置検出を利用した子ども見守りサービスシステム”,  査読付, 情報処理学会論文誌特選論文, Vol.56, No.3, pp.856-868, 2015. [PDF] [親子情報共有システム] Masatoshi Hamanaka, Yuichi Murakami, Dahyun Kim, Yuji Miura, Kazuya Atsuta, SeungHee Lee: “System for… (READ MORE)