[PDF] Seiko Takeuchi, Masatoshi Hamanaka, Junichi Hoshino: “Method of structuring a film based on the Generative Theory of Tonal Music”, IPSJ Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction, 2015-HCI-162, No. 6, 8 pages, March 2015.
[PDF] [Structures of films][exGTTM] Seiko Takeuchi, Masatoshi Hamanaka: “Structure of the film based on the music theory”, JSAI2014 The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 1K5-OS-07b-4, May 2014.
[PDF][Structures of films][exGTTM] Seiko Takeuchi, Masatoshi Hamanaka: “Study of video summary generation method with structured movie”, The 76th IPSJ, 2014-IPSJ-76, 5ZD-7, 2 pages, March 2014.